Szórakoztatóipar, kultúra, csillagászat, történelem, stb.


Kindle and paper book sales estimates


Isaac Asimov Books Top 5  (

1. Isaac Asimov - I, Robot (The Robot Series)

 $ 7.99  June 1, 2004

 6303 copies

2. Isaac Asimov - Foundation $ 7.99  June 1, 2004

3027 copies

3. Isaac Asimov - Foundation and Empire

June 1, 2004

587 copies

4. Isaac Asimov - The Complete Isaac Asimov's

Foundation Series  $ 50.63   January 1, 2016

343 copies

5. Isaac Asimov - Prelude to Foundation

$ 8.99  March 14, 2012

226 copies


Sales estimates are collected and provided

 by LucassoScan.


 Astronomy Books Top 5 (Amazon webstores)

(Date of data collection for these titles is: 20.08.2020. Number of copies refer to estimated sales figures for the 30 day period to 20.08.2020. Data collected and provided by LucassoScan.)

 1. Sara Seager - The smallest Lights in The Universe - A Memoir  324 copies

2. Neil de Grasse Tyson - Astrophysics for people in a Hurry  323 copies

3. Sean Carroll - Something Deeply Hidden: Quantum Worlds...  196 copies

4. John Read - 50 Things To See With A Small Telescope  183 copies

5. Stephen Hawking - Ein Kurze Geschichte der Zeit  119 copies

LucassoScan Top 5 charts


KINDLE BOOK SALES DATA  ESTIMATES from based on sales estimates from Amazon Book Sales Calculator

Collected and published by LucassoScan (it's just me Attila Lukacs)

J.K. Rowling - Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (counted from March 28th, 2019) 8918 copies 

Margaret Atwood - The Handmaid's Tail (counted from March 28th, 2019) 7590 copies

George R. R. Martin - A Games of Thrones ( A Song of Ice and Fire, Book 1) (counted from April 15th, 2019) 4787 copies

Terry Pratchett - Equal Rites - A Novel of Discworld (counted from March 28th, 2019) 3062 copies

James S. A. Corey - Tiamath's Wrath (The Expanse Book 8) (counted from March 28th, 2019)  4112 copies

Terry Pratchett - Mort: A Novel of Discworld (counted from March 28th, 2019) 2332 copies

Terry Pratchett - The Light Fantastic: A Novel of Discworld (counted from March 28th, 2019)  2086

John Marrs - The One (counted from March 28th, 2019) 4554 copies

Mark Lawrence - One World Kill (Impossible Times Book 1) (counted from April 14th, 2019) 2810 copies

Terry Pratchett - Sourcery: A Novel of Discworld  (counted from March 28th, 2019) 2104 copies

George Orwell - 1984 (counted from April 14th, 2019) 1986 copies

G. Bailey - Tales & Time (Lost Time Academy Book 1) 1641 copies

Emily R. King - Before The Broken Star (The Evermore Chronicles Book 1) (counted from May 17th 2019) 693 copies 

Ryk Brown - Ep. # 12 - A Price Too High (The Frontiers Saga - Part 2: Rogue Castes) (counted from May 17th 2019)  633 copies


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Tegnapi: 12
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Össz.: 20 074

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